This interesting piece of architecture was built by one of those hippy artists I mentioned that wanted to explore new ways of living. The entire building and everything in it, including the floors and walls, have no straight lines. The architect, named Friedensreich Hundertwasser, wanted the place to feel completely 'natural', and since there are no straight lines in nature, there would be no straight lines in the building. The building has 105 apartments in it for someone looking to live somewhere a little alternative, with little living space and lots of money. It is kind of weird walking around there when the floor is constantly changing beneath you. I can only imagine what it must be like for someone coming home from a night out partying with the floors being all curvy on you.

At the top of the building there is a nice little restuarant/bar that services mexican food and has a walk around balcony that you can get a fantastic view of the city off of. Unfortunately they close the balcony in November so I was not able to get up there and take pictures, but 'm sure I will try again sometime next spring.
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