Well this is about it for Darmstadt. The first of the two pictures shows you the main drag through the city, called Rheinstrasse. Nothing really special about it other than this is how you get everywhere, especially if you're like me and have to walk/take public transport everywhere. In the ditance you can see the city center, or the Luisenplatz. This is the main shopping center of the city and this is where I get most of my stuff. There are tons of walkways you can take that have all kinds of stores lining them where you can buy just about anything. This is also the main connection place for all trams and busses running through the city.

Well I hope the tours were somewhat educational and gave you a little bit of a glimpse at the scenery that surrounds me. Right now I probably enjoying myself in Alabama and hopefully not even thinking about Germany at the moment... actually I should be at a wedding in New Orleans right now, so even better. I will be back and reported when I reutn next Tuesday. Until then...
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