Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Let the Fasting Begin

Well here I am... sorry it has been a while but I haven't had internet at home for some time (big surprise!) Also, my life hasn't been that exciting so there hasn't been much to write about. Spent the end of last week basically in meetings and collaborating and such... so much fun. Right now I am writing this in the lobby at work as my office is undergoing some "rennovation"... they like to do this during people's work time, especially mine because I'm just a visiting scientist and it's not like I have anything to do. But anyways, I am back and it's Karneval time!!!

That's right, Germany celebrates this weekend too, much like we do in the US with Mardi Gras, but with more 18th century flair. Yesterday was the culmination of the event with "Rosenmontag", known in English as "running Monday." It is a national holiday so I got the day off from work (with no internet mind you) and basically spent the day watching the parades on TV. The whole event was a mystery to me until someone shared with me the Wikipedia explanation of it here. Turns out the event is based on people wearing "fancy costumes" and drinking heavily... typical of most German celebrations. The whole theme behind it is basically to make fun of political events of the past year with some very outspoken (and sometimes very graphic) floats. I would share some pictures, but I don't want to get yelled at by those who took them (or didn't take them but are using them on their blogs anyways)... so if you want to see some examples, just type in "Rosenmontag floats" into Google images.

Being as I have been to Mardi Gras I wasn't terribly impressed by it all, but it does look like quite the event.

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