So I know it is somewhat common knowledge that more Europeans smoke than in the US, but I never knew to what extent. Everywhere I go there is always someone lighting up or looking miserably while puffing away. I have found that whenever I go anywhere in public I am always breathing in someone else's secondhand smoke. There are these wonderful little cigarette dispensers all over, as seen in the picture to the left. You can find them at every train station, street corner and even near schoolyards... I guess so parents can get their fix while they watch their children play. The funny bit about these machines is that they only require a credit card , or in some case a few pieces of change to operate, so anyone can buy them... even kids... and they do.

The really ironic part though is that all cigarette packs and boxes are required to have large warnings on them (see image to right). My favortite warnings include "smoking will kill you" and "smokers die younger". Unfortunately though it seems as though these warnings are not heeded, in fact it seems more like they actually encourage the habit. I guess there is some reverse correlation to the size of the warning on the package to the number of people who will smoke it.
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