Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Trip to Berlin

So my friend from Alabama came over last week and we decided to take a weekend trip up to Berlin to check it out since it was on my list of places to see. Ironically, it was actually cheaper to fly to Barcelona, Spain (which is also on my list) and much much warmer... but I guess we just forgot about that. Anyways, after 5 hours on a train from Frankfurt to Berlin we got off and headed towards our hotel and assaulted the first McDonald's we could find... best meal ever. Then we took a little nap and headed out to go check out the nightlife with a group of about 150 Americans... very weird experience being in Germany and not a German in sight.

The next day we woke up and did all of the typical Berlin touristy junk. First we saw the Brandenburg gate and the US Embassy... which we the American people now own our own street in Berlin near the embassy where our tax dollars have paid for them to move it back a hundred meters or so. Then we headed over to the Reichstag with plans to climb to the top and check out the city... unfortunately everyone else in town had the same plan, so we had to wait in line outside for over an hour... luckily it wasn't terribly cold and not raining. By the time we got in and through the security checkpoint and made it to the top the sun was setting... made taking any pictures of the city kinda hard.

From there we headed down to Checkpoint Charlie... on the way we found this super famous chocolate shop with huge replicas of Berlin buildings al in chocolate where we did a little shopping. Then we finally made it to the checkpoint and took a bunch of pictures... wasn't very impressive, just a couple signs and a little wooden building in the middle of the road... but we did see a 'peace' of the wall. By this time we were both starving because we hadn't eaten all day and it was about 6pm, so we grabbed a bratwurst and walked through one of the many Berlin Weinachtmarkts (Christmas Markets)... probably second best meal ever. After that we went home and passed out.

Overall I think Barcelona would have been a better choice... at least for my well being, but Berlin was definitely a fun time... don't know if I'll go back, but I do recommend it for anyone planning a trip to Germany.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Smoke... everywhere... can't breathe...

So I know it is somewhat common knowledge that more Europeans smoke than in the US, but I never knew to what extent. Everywhere I go there is always someone lighting up or looking miserably while puffing away. I have found that whenever I go anywhere in public I am always breathing in someone else's secondhand smoke. There are these wonderful little cigarette dispensers all over, as seen in the picture to the left. You can find them at every train station, street corner and even near schoolyards... I guess so parents can get their fix while they watch their children play. The funny bit about these machines is that they only require a credit card , or in some case a few pieces of change to operate, so anyone can buy them... even kids... and they do.

The really ironic part though is that all cigarette packs and boxes are required to have large warnings on them (see image to right). My favortite warnings include "smoking will kill you" and "smokers die younger". Unfortunately though it seems as though these warnings are not heeded, in fact it seems more like they actually encourage the habit. I guess there is some reverse correlation to the size of the warning on the package to the number of people who will smoke it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Interesting German food offerings...

We all know that Germans are not incredible chefs and often have an intriguing taste palatte that is rarely shared by most other people around the world, but this time they have gone too far...

I saw an add last night on TV for a new line of burgers from Burger King apparently aimed at stimulating those 'festive' taste buds. The new burgers are called the XXL burgers and come in 3 flavors... Regular, Crunchy Cajun and Spicy Cranberry... Cranberry, on a burger... you've got to be kidding. I know it's Thanksgiving and Christmas time and all, but seriously. Check it out for yourself, I found this short version of the ad on YouTube... here

The part I love best is that they spread the cranberry sauce on top of the 'flame broiled 100% angus beef' whatever patty like it was a piece of toast... so not appealing. McDonald's isn't doing so well either when it comes to the German menu. Much like their popular Chicken McNuggets they now have... well, see for yourself... here

Shrimp cocktail... at McDonald's... uh uh... no way... not happening. There is no way that eating shrimp at McDonald's could ever end well. I love shrimp more than the next guy, but I am not despreate enough to get it from a fast food joint... especially one that doesn't regularly serve seafood outside of their 'fillet-o-fish' sandwich. I wonder how many lawsuits will come out of this one.